
I have just met you and I love you

I've been sketching a lot recently in an attempt to finish off my entire sketchbook before the semester ends on friday (almost there!).  Here's a couple of my favorite pages :)

guess who was watching Up this week :)
I have been especially inspired by all the vintage travel posters Pixar has released as promotional material.  I have a few printed out and hanging up in my room and would love to try out something similar to this style when I get a chance.

saluki dogs and some horses from reference.  I love the saluki's slender frame and long ears; I think they are the medieval princesses of the dog world.

Some concept stuff for an illustration I ended up not using, although I'd like to revisit the idea when I have the time. Recently I've really gotten excited about illustrating childrens' books as a possible career option, so I've been researching a lot of fables and folktales.  This one was the Musicians of Bremen, a story about a donkey, dog, cat, and rooster who stand on each other's backs and use their voices to make music together.